Hi everyone! Welcome to my long-awaited (by me, mostly) travel blog!
Making this travel blog is super overdue, but I’m excited to finally have a place to share my adventures with the world. I’ve also become quite a savvy traveler over the years, so now my travel secrets will become your travel secrets. I’ve always been obsessed with travel, even as a kid. Nowadays I spend the majority of my time scrolling for travel inspiration and researching new destinations in preparation of experiencing it all firsthand.
My goal for this blog is to stuff it with travel tips, itineraries, pack lists, and the occasional rant or personal story. Solo travel lends itself to some crazy stories.
Over the course of my 22 years on Earth I’ve visited 17 countries (a number padded by the small but mighty Monaco and Vatican City) and lived in three: the US, Thailand, and France. I’m originally from Pennsylvania, so stateside I've mostly been up and down the East Coast.
For the last four years I’ve been living in Paris, France. I know, I know! Truly, I wish it was as glamorous as it may seem. Unfortunately, oversized rodents are frequent visitors of all public transportation systems I’m afraid… even so, I’m looking forward to spending this coming year getting to know France better. There are so many places I haven’t been!
An early morning sunrise in Montmartre.
Her Majesty, La Tour Eiffel, in all her glory!
More specifically, I want to head down to the south of France. It may be past peak sunflower and lavender field season, but I’ll take some Mediterranean sunshine any day. I’m also hoping to explore parts of Paris I’ve never seen.
Where I’ve wanted to live has dictated my biggest life decisions. Was this a wise choice? Wise is a strong word, but so far I’m happy with where I’ve ended up. In high school I was pretty ready to get out of my home town and desperately wanted to explore someplace new. The travel gods answered my plea, as I spent my senior year of high school in the rural northern province of Nan, Thailand.
An overlook of the city of Nan.
I lived with a local family, went to a Thai school, and learned some Thai (most of which I don’t remember, sadly). Which reminds me, to say I’m a total newbie blogger is a bit of a lie. I actually had a blog when I lived in Thailand so my family and friends could see what I was up to. Some of my stories are pretty wild, and I plan on sprinkling in a few on this new blog.
During most of my time in Thailand I had no idea what was going on. But as a result, I learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, and it made me super confident as a solo traveler.
Most recently I did a week long trip to Croatia to visit Plitvice Lakes National Park.
That leads me to Paris. I was only a few months in on my cultural exchange in Thailand when I was applying for colleges. Stressful! But I knew I didn’t want to give up life abroad, so I decided on an art and design school in Paris, because… Paris! Duh! I moved to the city in 2018 and have been here since.
Hanging out with the Eiffel Tower.
Gorging myself on french fries at a Parisian cafe.
I just graduated from college in May (where did the time go?!?) with a fine arts degree in graphic design. It feels super weird to finally be done with school, but I was never one for formal education. So on one side I’m totally thrilled, but I also feel like I’m in limbo as I find my footing.
I also studied photography in college which has been a lifelong love of mine. And lucky for me, living abroad has been an amazing opportunity for me to practice my travel photography. I first picked up a real camera in 2016, and I’ve never been able to put it down. Currently, I shoot on a gorgeous Sony a7iii with a 24-105mm lens. She’s my baby.
You can find photos scattered plentifully throughout my upcoming blog posts. My photos have to go somewhere! Hopefully the images inspire your next trip.
I’m a super visual person, and I’m attracted to beautiful things and places… they must be captured! But really, beauty is really important to me. Not so much clothes or makeup (though I am a fan), but the beauty in your everyday life. I value awe-inspiring objects, cities, buildings, photo spots, basically anything that pumps a little bit of wonder into your soul and makes you feel happy to be alive. I’m happiest when I allow myself to be easily amazed. I recommend it.
At any rate, I’m excited to finally get this blog up and running! Stay tuned for more travel content, from one travel lover to another.